
*1993 Tehran, Iran

lives and works in Düsseldorf, Germany

2018 - 2022

Master’s degree in Photography at Folkwang University of the Arts

Essen, Germany

2013 - 2018

Bachelor of Arts in Photography at Azad University

Tehran, Iran


June 2024

Deep Dive Music and sound design with video and sculpture installation of Yashar Shirdel at TTTT, Leipzig, Germany

Sep. 2022

Interior-Exterior Final Exhibition Master Thesis in Sanna Building, Essen Germany

Dec. 2019

Stop Over at UG Folkwang Museum, Essen, Germany

May 2017

453:32 VISIONS at Maryam Fasihi Harandis Gallery, Tehran, Iran

Feb. 2017

Of Tehran / Cityscape curated by Farshid Azarang at Maryam Fasihi Harandis Gallery, Tehran, Iran

Oct. 2014

Windowshopping at Didgah Gallery, Tehran, Iran

May 2013

Teleography at the University of Oregon, curated by Farhad Bahram, Oregon, USA

March 2011

A Good Day Coming… at Art Center Gallery, Tehran, Iran

Dec. 2010

Metro-o-Mardom at Central Tehran Subway Gallery, Tehran, Iran

Oct. 2009

Mojtame Fani Alumni Exhibition at Tehran Technical Complex, Tehran, Iran



+49 152 23317791
